Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Feast - Our Lady Of The Rosary


O u r   L a d y  O f   T h e   R o s a r y

On October 7, we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.  Known for several centuries by the alternate title of “Our Lady of Victory”.  The feast day takes place in honor of a 16th century naval victory which secured Europe against Turkish invasion.  Pope St Pius V attributed the victory to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was invoked on the day of the battle through a campaign to pray the Rosary throughout Europe.

The power of the Rosary and the courage of the Catholic navies obtained a historic triumph over the Turks, and saved Christiandom from the advancing Turkish power.

Today, we desperately need Our Lady’s intervention through the Holy Rosary to turn back the moral, spiritual and physical treat we face as a nation.

Our Lady will overcome all these threats if we turn to Her in confident prayer and courageous action, just like She saved Christiandom in 1571.  Join the legions of fellow Christians who pray the Rosary daily.