Setting Your Available Sub Hours
The strength of our Adoration Program is dependent upon a strong and active substitution list. We are fortunate to have over 130 people registered as substitutes.
One of the features of the Adoration Pro software is it allows a substitute to specify exactly which days of the week, and what hours during that day there is a chance they would be available to replace a regular Adorer.
When you registered as a sub, your confirmation eMail contained the option that you could ‘click on’ to adjust your available hours in your profile. If you did not do that the system defaulted showing your availability as 24 hours a day for seven days even though the Chapel is only open five.
I would ask each Adoration Sub to take the time to rethink your availability and adjust your time within AdorationPro if needed to reflect a better picture of when you would be available to go to the chapel. The idea is “don’t say ‘anytime’ - if you are not willing to get up at 3 o’clock in the morning”.
How Do You Adjust Your Availability?
Every time you receive an eMail request for a substitute there is a line at the bottom of that message that gives you the option to change your availability. The line states “If you would like to limit the hours for which you receive sub requests, please click the below link: Adjust My Availability.”
Clicking the link takes you to your profile page reflecting your available hours. You will see 7 columns each representing a day of the week, and each column divided into the 24 hours of that day with a check-box before the hour. If you are NOT AVAILABLE (maybe you work, or you simply cannot get up at 3 o’clock in the morning) there needs to be NO CHECK MARK before the hour. Go through the whole page - one hour at a time - clicking each box to add or take away the check mark. You can ignore Saturday and Sunday.
When you have that page set up to reflect the hours when you are saying “Here I am Lord, send me!”, you SAVE the changes … if you don’t SAVE the changes the work you did is LOST and it reverts back to the way it was when you first opened the page.
Please take the time to update your availability if it needs to be changed. The better picture of true sub availability we have the better the system will serve all of us.
Thank you for your support of the Adoration Ministry.
Tom Kartes
(Revised 06/27/23)
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