Eucharistic Miracle
“Around the year 700 there was a priest in Lanciano, Italy, who was struggling with his faith in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
One morning, while celebrating Mass, he was astonished to see the host change into real flesh and the wine into real blood. His initial shock gave way to joy as he proclaimed to those near him: “Behold the flesh and blood of our most beloved Christ!”
After repeated and thorough investigations, scientists concluded that the flesh and blood actually do belong to the human species. More specifically, the flesh consists of myocardial tissue (the muscular tissue on the heart wall), and the blood contains just the right proteins in the same proportions as normal human blood. Even though this miracle occurred thirteen centuries ago, both the flesh and blood remain intact and are on display in the Church of St. Francis in Lanciano.” (Encountering Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration - the WORD among us)
This is the same body and blood that is on the altar every time Mass is celebrated in our churches, and the same body and blood of our Lord Jesus found in our Adoration Chapel. If he were still walking the earth and preaching as he did 2000 years ago you wouldn’t be able to find an empty seat not only in our Adoration Chapel, but in the whole church. If you have any doubts I would hope to find you on your knees in the Adoration Chapel praying to the Holy Spirit to increase your faith. This is truly real.