Monday, April 29, 2024

We Can Hear God's Voice In The Silence

 God’s Voice

C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters tells us that the devil’s goal is to win souls away from God.  The devil’s plan is simple: Create so much noise in the world that man can no longer hear the voice of God in his life.

God has given us a solution … It’s the gift of ‘silence’.
  It is in silence that God speaks to us, and the more time we spend in silence the more clearly we hear the voice of God in our lives.  Quiet is critical to our spiritual development.  Stop by the chapel for some ‘quiet time’.

Sign up for a regular hour of Adoration .. God loves it when you make a commitment. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

God Has A Question For You

How Will You Answer?

At some point in the future every living person is going to come face-to-face with the true God and have to give an accounting of the life we led.  Just like all the people who have gone before us.  If God asks, how are you going to answer his question “Could you not watch with me one hour?”  He is not asking for an hour of activity such as saying the rosary or offering a novena; rather he is asking for an hour of companionship.

God wants to be with us, and he sincerely hopes we want to be with him in his true presence.  Stop for a moment and think about what he is actually asking … one hour.  One hour out of our week is less than .06% of the total time we have in a week.   

God’s power is not limited to human time measured by the sweeping hands on a clock.
  Any ‘time’ given to Our Lord is rewarded beyond human measure.  He invites us to walk with him, and he waits for our invitation asking him to come closer to us.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Eucharistic Miracle of the Real Presence

 Eucharistic Miracle

“Around the year 700 there was a priest in Lanciano, Italy, who was struggling with his faith in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  One morning, while celebrating Mass, he was astonished to see the host change into real flesh and the wine into real blood.  His initial shock gave way to joy as he proclaimed to those near him: “Behold the flesh and blood of our most beloved Christ!” 

After repeated and thorough investigations, scientists concluded that the flesh and blood actually do belong to the human species.  More specifically, the flesh consists of myocardial tissue (the muscular tissue on the heart wall), and the blood contains just the right proteins in the same proportions as normal human blood.  Even though this miracle occurred thirteen centuries ago, both the flesh and blood remain intact and are on display in the Church of St. Francis in Lanciano.”  (Encountering Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration - the WORD among us)

This is the same body and blood that is on the altar every time Mass is celebrated in our churches, and the same body and blood of our Lord Jesus found in our Adoration Chapel.  If he were still walking the earth and preaching as he did 2000 years ago you wouldn’t be able to find an empty seat not only in our Adoration Chapel, but in the whole church.  If you have any doubts I would hope to find you on your knees in the Adoration Chapel praying to the Holy Spirit to increase your faith.  This is truly real.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Divine Love

Full Measure of Divine Love


“God is not some remote, inaccessible, and implacable Being who demands instant perfection from His creatures and of whose love we must make ourselves worthy.  He is not a tyrant to be obeyed out of terror, nor a policeman who is ever on the watch, nor the judge ever ready to apply the verdict of guilty.  We should relate to Him less and less in terms of reward and punishment and more and more on basis of thankfulness for His divine love.”

(Open Mind, Open Heart - Thomas Keating p.160)

Gods’ divine life is present within us right now in the measure of our faith.

Monday, April 1, 2024

The Easter Resurrection

 The Easter Resurrection

Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead.  Yet, “this authentic, real body possesses the new properties of a glorious body: … able to be present how and when he wills” (CCC, 645).  And that is how we can be certain that the Resurrection is a fact that has happened: The Risen body of Jesus Christ has become present in us, the Body of Christ.  Nothing else could possibly explain what kept those desperate people - the first disciples - together in the days and years that followed Christ’s death.  It was not some idea of ideal that unified them; it was the event of Christ’s presence in their midst.  Even when threatened by perils and persecution, the early Church stayed together because of the undeniable fact that the Risen Jesus had made himself present bodily to his followers in all their weakness, confusion and fear.  He drew forth from them Holy Communion.  Only the bodily resurrection can effect such a miracle of unity, courage and fidelity.  (Jesus, Present Before Me - p106)

Jesus, gave totally of himself to the Father for our salvation.  We must do the same if we want to merit heaven for all eternity.  Pray that you have the courage to follow his example.

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Adoration is privileged access to our God