Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Adoration Needs You

Get Involved By Becoming an Adorer

Every hour of our Adoration schedule is open to having additional assigned adorers.  However, there are some hours in specific need of new or additional adorers.  The Church asks that two people be present when the Eucharist is exposed for Adoration.  Our current committed schedule has 44% of our total ‘open’ hours covered by only one committed adorer.  There is a lot of opportunity to help out.  If you are not currently committed to Adoration we ask you to pray to the Holy Spirit and ask the question if Adoration is right for you.  If you would like to commit to an hour you can sign-up by going directly to the AdorationPro software and registering for an hour with God.  If you have questions, please contact Tom Kartes at 616-325-9305 or via eMail at

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