Monday, September 3, 2018

September Prayer

During your visit(s) to our Adoration Chapel in September we ask you to include in your prayers the welfare of our Church.  We know recent scandals on abuse around the world have been devastating.  Church leaders are asking the universal Church for a penitential exercise of prayer and fasting.  The Holy Father in particular has asked all the faithful to join in prayer and fasting as a way to help foster conversion and genuine change of life wherever needed, even in the shepherds of the Church.

A good place to start is with prayers to St Michael the Archangel.  He is the model of the Christian warrior exhibiting great fortitude in protecting Heaven and casting into hell the legions of damned spirits.  As the main warrior of God he will not tolerate the divine Majesty to be challenged or offended in his presence, and he is ready to wield the sword at any time in order to crush the enemies of the Most High.

In this struggle, St Michael should not just be our model but also our help.  The fight between St Michael and Lucifer has not ceased but continues throughout the ages, and is exemplified by the current struggles faced by our Church today.

St. Michael, defender of the Church, pray for us!

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