Monday, September 20, 2021

Bitcoin vs Bitgrace

 Bitcoin vs Bitgrace

Bitcoin, what is it?  It’s a type of currency that bears little resemblance to what we understand money to be.  It’s not issued by a country, nor is it printed on printing presses. It exists only on computers and is referred to as cryptocurrency.  Anyone can buy into Bitcoin by establishing an account called a digital wallet.  An investor does not have to deal in whole units; you can buy fractions of a Bitcoin.  Bitcoin is used on the internet in place of money to purchase products and services.  Fortunes are being made, and lost, trading Bitcoin.  Who originated Bitcoin is still wrapped in uncertainty.  Five years ago a single Bitcoin had a value of about $400.  In mid-Spring of this year the value had jumped to more than $60,000.  Value is extremely volatile and if you trade in Bitcoin you have to constantly monitor your investment.  

Bitgrace, what is it?  To begin with, the term itself is misleading because to use the qualifier ‘bit’, for many of us, would mean small or tiny, and it’s anything but.  It’s best to simply call it ‘grace’.  Unlike Bitcoin we know where and by whom it originated.  God originated Bitgrace (grace).  You automatically have a Bitgrace account if you are baptized.  And through your Baptism you are eligible to be called an adopted daughter/son of the Father and have a right to inherit heaven.  Unlike Bitcoin, whose value is determined by forces other than yourself, your Bitgrace accounts’ value is totally within your control; the smart investor of Bitgrace has a growth plan, and works that plan to increase account value.

It’s OK to invest in Bitcoin as long as you manage the risk and know that your account value is temporal.  Don’t neglect your Bitgrace account however; a wise investor knows the time allowed to grow this account is limited, and unlike the former temporal account, the value of this account does move with you into eternity.

See you in the Chapel.

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