Monday, August 29, 2022

Boring Time In Adoration

 Adoration Can Be Boring

“All Adorers know there are going to be times when Adoration can feel anything but glorious. You get distracted, your mind begins to wander, you can hear someone else sniffing next to you. Maybe in the beginning Adoration was full of wonderful feelings! Regular Adoration is when daily life sets in and it can make it feel not so special. But that doesn’t devalue or take away from the truth of what Adoration is. Our faith is more than feelings and God will still be working in you. This is the beauty of the Incarnation – God made man, coming into all our stresses, fears, problems – and yes, boredom. Know that even if an hour spent in Adoration is a continual returning to Him every few minutes when your mind wanders, you are still giving God the best gift you can – your time and company.”  (Ruth Kennedy - CatholicLink)

Monday, August 15, 2022

 Grace Enters Your Life

“It’s amazing how a simple act of committing to even a short time of regular Adoration makes such a huge difference to the rest of your life. You can carry that moment of being in His presence with you long after you’ve left the church or chapel. His grace sustains you in every moment, especially in moments of temptation. Temptation becomes easier to resist when you’re spending more time in Adoration. Sometimes, it really is that straightforward.” 
       (Ruth Kennedy - CatholicLink)

Sign up for a weekly hour of Adoration by going to our website - and adding your name to any hour convenient to you.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Become Excited and Addicted

Become Excited Going To Adoration

“The more time you spend in Adoration discovering that God is a God who loves you and wants to spend time with you, the more you begin to actually want to go. If Adoration once felt like a chore, you might even find yourself becoming excited to go! Adoration is addictive, not just because of the things we can gain for ourselves, but because we were created to adore. As we say in the Mass, it is “right and just” that we should give thanks to the Lord! Adoration is imprinted on our hearts and as St Augustine says “our hearts are restless until they find our rest in Him”!   (Ruth Kennedy - CatholicLink)

     Adoration Opportunities:  Check our website AdorationPro for hours ‘open’ to additional Adorers.  You can commit to Adoring weekly any hour with the tag “Sign Up” go the right of the designated hour.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Peace Only Jesus Can Provide

 Experience Peace In All Of Life

“Jesus said ’Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you’ (John 14:27)  The outward peace we can experience in Adoration (the quiet and the stillness) reaches much deeper. It leads to an inner peace that affects all areas of our lives. It doesn’t mean everything in our life will be perfect and without suffering, but Christ’s peace means that we know that the storms of life can’t shake us.”  (Ruth Kennedy - CatholicLink)

Fear what kills the soul more than what kills the body.  Build you defenses through Eucharistic Adoration.