An Hour Of Adoration Is A Waste Of Time …
That’s exactly what the devil wants you to think.
Truth is, outside the Celebration of the Mass, there is no more worthwhile hour that you can spend for the wellbeing of your soul. The devil would be ecstatic if the Adoration Chapels of the world could not get enough volunteers to maintain their Adoration schedules before the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior. If you want to help raise hell in Hell just go spend an hour in our chapel.
Most people pray when they do go to the chapel. But you don’t have to - there’s no preferred ‘practice’ for Adoration behavior … it’s a time for just you and Jesus to be together in a special way. Jesus says to you “come; let’s go over here and talk, just the two of us”. You talk to him the same way you do to a friend at a backyard barbecue.
Another chapel practice is to just sit quietly and LISTEN. St. John of the Cross wrote in the sixteenth century “silence is God’s first language”. If you sit quietly and listen with an open heart you begin to feel the indwelling Trinity starting to change your heart. Once that happens you can’t help not moving towards true happiness.
Adoration helps us rely on the Holy Spirit and live a life of obedience in prayer.
We are transformed from someone asking for a sign, to someone seeking sight through understanding. Adoration helps to maintain a daily prayer practice the rest of the week.