Monday, May 20, 2024

 Faith Grows .. And We Never Have Enough

Jesus tells us in "In Sinu Jesus" that faith in the mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist grows in proportion to the time one gives him in adoration.  It’s not enough that we go to Holy Mass often if we do not approach him and remain with him in the sacrament of his love.  Nothing can replace the intimate experience that he offers to us if we seek his Eucharistic friendship - and this is the experience he offers to us if we seek his Eucharistic Face and offer a sacrifice of time to his Eucharistic Heart.

Won’t you consider a sacrifice of time each week before his Eucharistic Face.  Many people think ‘Adoration’ has to be an hour - not so.  God is happy with 5 minutes if that is all you have.  And if you would spend just 5 minutes a week for a few weeks, you will notice a change of heart.  You can’t ‘out give’ God; so if you give only 5 minutes a week, He might just return Eternity to you.

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