Monday, January 27, 2025

Honoring The Eucharist

Honoring The Eucharist
Just watch a daily news broadcast, or read the news pushed to an electronic device, and it’s easy to recognize the ingratitude of the majority of the human race towards the Eucharistic Lord.  Every way we look we find real examples of how Christianity is being persecuted and how that persecution continues to grow.

As Eucharistic Adorers we make acts of reparation to repair the offenses made against the infinitely great Divine Majesty for those who ignore Him, those who insult Him, those who deny His Real Presence on earth and mock Him.

One of our Catholic missions is to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Merciful Father.  We beg forgiveness for those guilty and offer reparation as a holy ransom, imploring Gods’ Divine Mercy.

If you’re not part of the consolation movement of Our Lord Jesus and His Merciful Father for the sins committed by the ignorance of the human race, it’s not too late to join.  When God made each of us He set a ‘timer’ governing our earthly existence.  When that hour glass runs dry you have no more time, and can no longer in any way help yourself.  So don’t wait - start today.  Become a committed Adorer.

“In the silence of His presence we hear Him!”

click on “Weekly Commitment”

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