Become More God Like
Pope Benedict XVI reminds us in one of his writings about the Eucharist, “This body is not the ever-dead corpse of a dead man, nor is the blood the life-element rendered lifeless. No, sacrifice has become gift, for the body given in love and the blood given in love have entered, through the Resurrection, into the eternity of love, which is stronger than death.”
The liturgy lets us transcend the present by moving toward the future, and that future is present in what is happening in the liturgy. We have the opportunity in every liturgy to become more and more like God.
So why aren’t we all much more ‘God like’? Why do we have trouble carrying the ‘good’ within us beyond the parking lot when leaving Mass?
Truth is we are leaving with the seed of ‘good’; but to profit we have to take action to reinforce it and let it grow so it becomes part of our being. How do you do that?
We don’t - God does. We have to give God enough of our time so that He can nourish the seed of ‘good’ that was planted during the Eucharist. That seed has everything in it to grow and blossom and help us become a beautiful and productive child of God. A good way to nurture Christian growth is simply to sit in the presence of our Creator.
Here at IHM we are blessed with the Adoration Chapel were we can sit silently in the presence of our Creator and experience a direct, personal encounter with the living Christ. Through that encounter the seed of ‘good’ grows and changes us from the inside out.
Take advantage of this great blessing. See you in the Chapel.
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