Five Reasons Your Resolution Should Include Adoration
- To spend time in Adoration is answering a personal invitation from Jesus to you! Pope John Paul II in the Encyclical Letter ‘Redeemer of Man’ says “Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love.” Knowing that, how could you keep Jesus waiting?
- Jesus wants us to do more than go to Mass on Sunday! Our communal worship at Mass must go together with our personal worship of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration in order that our love may be complete. (1)
- In Adoration by way of transforming mercy, Jesus makes our heart one with His. “Jesus teaches those who come to Him to be like Himself, gentle and humble of heart, and to seek not their own will, but the will of God.” (2)
- Jesus is infinitely deserving of our unceasing thanksgiving and adoration for all He has done for our salvation. “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive honor, glory and praise.” (Rev 5:12)
- The best time spent on earth is with your Best Friend, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Pope Paul VI in his Apostolic Letter ‘Credo of the People of God’ says, “How great is the value of converse with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, for there in nothing more consoling on earth, nothing more efficacious for advancing along the road to holiness.”
1 Encyclical Letter - Pope John Paul II - Redeemer of Man
2 Apostolic Letter - Pope Paul VI - Credo of the People of God
Begin this year by resolving to take your relationship with Jesus to the next level. You will find that an hour of weekly Adoration gets easier and more rewarding with each passing week. Don’t under estimate the heavenly rewards, God’s gifts and graces are endless, and you begin to enjoy them simply by spending time in His Presence.
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