Monday, August 26, 2024

Sacrifice Increases Love

 Sacrifice For Love

When you love someone, you want that love to grow.  So what do you do to make sure it happens?  If you do nothing at all, what you love will diminish in importance until it vanishes from your life.  To prevent that from happening you go out of your way to give yourself to whatever comes first in that relationship - no matter what it is and no matter the cost.  This is what we mean by ‘sacrifice’.  It is not about “giving up things”; it is about whatever is possible in order to get as much love as we possibly can.  Sacrifice is the way we eagerly adjust our lives so that our greatest desires come true.

What are you willing to sacrifice to show God how much you love him?
  Stop by the chapel and tell him.  He’s waiting!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Pleasing God

God Given Opportunity

Summer soon will be over and if you haven’t already started it’s time to work on the scheduling puzzle of personal/family/work/school/sports time in an effort to make everybody happy and keep harmony in the family.  Here’s a tip that might make that job easier … start by scheduling time with God.  Schedule one hour every week of Eucharistic Adoration and you will see how God helps fit the pieces together and rewards you in so many other ways.  God loves it when you make a commitment to spend time in his presence, and if you give him an hour every week he will help you with the other 167 hours. 

Our current focus in the Adoration Ministry is to find volunteers to fill the ‘open’ hours, and to find prayer partners for adorers who have made a commitment but due to ‘life changes’ need the help of a partner once or twice a month.  As a parish we’re committed to having someone in the chapel 18 hours a day, 5 days a week.  Presently we are falling short of that commitment.  

It’s important to know that the chapel schedule in never full.  There’s always room so if an ‘open’ hour doesn’t fit into your schedule commit to any hour that’s good for you.  To take advantage of the opportunity God is giving you simply follow the link below and add your name to any hour:

click on “Weekly Commitment”

How important is Eucharistic Adoration?  Second in importance only to the Mass.

God is waiting for you!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Dedication to Prayer and Gratitude to God

From An Interview with Johathan Roumie, the award winning actor who portrays Jesus of Nazareth in the hit series “The Chosen”.

Our Sunday Visitor:  Does adoration play a significant role in your spirituality?

Roumie:  Absolutely, I make it a priority to spend time in adoration whenever possible.  My spiritual director has encouraged it.  It provides a deep sense of peace and spiritual support.

Our Sunday Visitor:  Any final encouragement for Catholics facing challenges today?

Roumie:  Embrace the Eucharist, tradition, and the apostolic succession.  Jesus is our founder, and that’s the most real connection we have.  Stay strong in faith and draw from the rich heritage of our Church.

You can read the entire interview with Roumie in the “National Eucharistic Revival Special Issue of Our Sunday Visitor” issued July 2024.

Monday, August 5, 2024

 Spontaneity In Your God Relationship

Jesus encourages us to learn how to live with open hearts and trust in God’s provision.  A great way to do that is to add some spontaneity to our lives, such as a surprise visit to our Adoration Chapel.  Don’t underestimate the value of such a visit.  It is very pleasing to God and shows God you have faith that He is in control and will guide you through every twist and turn of your life.  Such a visit also will bring a sense of joy and excitement to your living experience.

You do not have to be a committed adorer to pray in our chapel - everyone is welcome.