Monday, February 24, 2025

Eucharistic Adoration And The Rosary

The Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments has stated that the rosary, as “a prayer inspired by the Gospel and centered on the mystery of the Incarnation and the Redemption, ‘should be considered a prayer of deep Christological orientation,’ and may rightly be counted among the prayers designed to ‘direct the attention of the faithful to the worship of Christ the Lord’” within the context of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament exposed.

Stop by the chapel this week and say the Rosary for your primary prayer intentions.
  It won’t take you more than 30 minutes … surely you have that much time to give to Jesus!

Lent starts next week - so this is a good time to consider spending more time in the Chapel as something positive you can do during Lent.

“Adoration is an act of faith in the recognition of the truth that; ‘Both in life and in death, we belong to the Lord; that no one is their own master’” (Romans St. Paul)

(The Essence of Adoration - Louis Guardiola, C.P.M.)

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Monday, February 17, 2025

Top Reasons To Begin Adoration

Top Three Reasons To Begin Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration gives you the opportunity to sit in ‘silence’ and listen to God.  The language of God is ‘silence’.  If we can learn to hear God in the silence, then we can hear and see and taste and smell and touch God in everything.
- Adoration helps us rely on the Holy Spirit and live a life of obedience in prayer.  We are transformed from someone asking for a sign, to someone seeking sight through understanding.  Adoration helps to maintain a daily prayer practice the rest of the week.
- Adoration softens the Human Condition and helps us grow spiritually.  As you spend more time in Adoration God begins to communicate with you on a more profound level than that of the five senses.  God’s word moves from your ‘head’ to your ‘heart’.

Jesus delights in being with us.  Eucharistic Adoration is a beautiful way to sit in his presence and improve our relationship with him.  People willing to commit an hour a week to Adoration are always needed.  Think about it … It’s truly a ‘win-win’ that you can take with you to eternity.

“We should spend as much time thanking God for his benefits as we do asking for them.”

    St Vincent de Paul

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Monday, February 10, 2025

Consule My Sacred Heart

Jesus Is Asking …

“You console My Eucharistic Heart by giving Me signs of your friendship; of all these, the one that most consoles Me is your presence before My Eucharistic Face.  There are many ways of expressing friendship and of responding to the love of one’s friend, but the one that is most satisfying to the heart is the simple act of companionship, of presence, of being together.  Experience has taught you this in human relationships, but you have yet to apply it to your relationship with Me as generously as I desire.  Come to Me, remain with Me.  Seek Me out in the Sacrament of My love and, by remaining with Me, adore Me with tenderness and give Me your heart’s friendship and affection.”  (Jesus’s words from In Sinu Jesu  p153)

There is a school of thought that says at our final judgement we will be judged more on the opportunities missed, than on the wrongs we did.  If Jesus should ask - How would you answer this question?  Why didn’t you take advantage of all the opportunities I gave you to console Me by spending time in My presence?

click on “Weekly Commitment”

Monday, February 3, 2025

Join Your Suffering To The Blessed Mother's

 Join Your Suffering With That Of The Blessed Mother’s 

Eucharistic Adoration provides the opportunity to offer to our Lord all our sufferings and tribulations of the week for the reparation due all the sacrileges directed to the Holy Eucharist especially by the members of the Mystical Body so loved, so honored, and enriched with graces and gifts of the Lord.  We are able to join our reparation with that of the Blessed Mother’s at the foot of the cross for its full power and doing so we know the Lord shall accept it.

We also remember that our time with Jesus is a commemoration of His time of passion, death and resurrection that as it turned out is our redemption when we were bought and brought back from the clutches of Satan.  This time is truly a time of love that triumphs over darkness, and is the fulfillment of Jesus’ mission to love us to the end: “When Jesus knew that His hour had come to depart from this world to the Father; having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end” (Jn 13:1)

Return Jesus’ love by participating in Eucharistic Adoration.  Jesus waits!