Monday, January 27, 2025

Honoring The Eucharist

Honoring The Eucharist
Just watch a daily news broadcast, or read the news pushed to an electronic device, and it’s easy to recognize the ingratitude of the majority of the human race towards the Eucharistic Lord.  Every way we look we find real examples of how Christianity is being persecuted and how that persecution continues to grow.

As Eucharistic Adorers we make acts of reparation to repair the offenses made against the infinitely great Divine Majesty for those who ignore Him, those who insult Him, those who deny His Real Presence on earth and mock Him.

One of our Catholic missions is to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Merciful Father.  We beg forgiveness for those guilty and offer reparation as a holy ransom, imploring Gods’ Divine Mercy.

If you’re not part of the consolation movement of Our Lord Jesus and His Merciful Father for the sins committed by the ignorance of the human race, it’s not too late to join.  When God made each of us He set a ‘timer’ governing our earthly existence.  When that hour glass runs dry you have no more time, and can no longer in any way help yourself.  So don’t wait - start today.  Become a committed Adorer.

“In the silence of His presence we hear Him!”

click on “Weekly Commitment”

Monday, January 20, 2025

Eucharistic Adoration Results In Thanksgiving

The Greatest Thanks

By its very nature Eucharistic Adoration involves Thanksgiving to the Father, through the Son, for the Son, in the Holy Spirit.  By offering our thanksgiving of love from the very depths of our heart for the most divine gift of the Holy Eucharist we begin the process of offering thanksgiving that will not only never cease, but will even increase to its perfection in heaven.

During Eucharistic Adoration we should try to reflect on how God lowered Himself to become man, suffering the many indignities of His passion and death, surrendering Himself to both love and the hate of His creatures, as He continues to do today.

Eucharistic Adoration is a time to practice lifting up our thanksgiving to the altar and throne of the heavenly Jerusalem where our hearts, minds, souls and one day our body, shall be offering the greatest thanksgiving a creature can give their Creator:  The gift of their entire self.

Don’t wait - begin your practice today.  Become a ‘committed’ adorer.

click on “Weekly Commitment”

Monday, January 13, 2025

Adoration Helps You To Prepare

 Will You Be Prepared?

The Lord asks us today as He asked the apostles over 2000 years ago, “Could you not watch one hour with me!”  This is what adoration is, to watch one hour with the Lord.  Watchful adoration is to be ever vigilant and to be ever prepared as strengthened in prayer for our hour of trial when our enemies and persecutors will descend upon us like vultures and strike at our deepest weaknesses and most intimate fears.  The essence of adoration is to prepare ourselves for that great hour of trial, to learn to rely on God alone, knowing as Jesus did that only God would not abandon Him to His enemies, although the Father allowed Him to be persecuted for God’s sake and the salvation of the human race.

Now might be the right time to take your relationship with Jesus to the next level.  You will find that an hour of weekly Adoration gets easier and more rewarding with each passing week.  Don’t underestimate the heavenly rewards, God’s gifts and graces are endless, and you begin to enjoy them simply by spending time in His Presence.  Now Is The Right Time!

click on “Weekly Commitment”

Monday, January 6, 2025

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

 What’s Love Got To Do With It?

“God is love” (1 Jn 4:8).  Not just one who loves, but God is complete love itself.  Complete love itself includes 1) a lover, 2) a beloved, and 3) the act of love that flows between the lover and the beloved.  In God, these are 1) the Father, 2) the Son, and 3) the Holy Spirit, one God in three divine Persons, who make up complete love.  This is the doctrine of the Trinity, the tri-unity of God.  There is only one God, not three, but this one God is the three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  They are not three parts of God; all three are God totally. God can’t be divided into parts.”  (“Because God Is Real” - Peter J Kreeft p21) 

Because God cannot be divided we find the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit together in our Adoration Chapel at all times.  God gives us the opportunity to visit the chapel and pray to one or all three at the same time.  What a Divine Gift … show your thankfulness by going to the chapel to spend some time in his priceless presence.

                                           Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.