The Greatest Thanks
By its very nature Eucharistic Adoration involves Thanksgiving to the Father, through the Son, for the Son, in the Holy Spirit. By offering our thanksgiving of love from the very depths of our heart for the most divine gift of the Holy Eucharist we begin the process of offering thanksgiving that will not only never cease, but will even increase to its perfection in heaven.During Eucharistic Adoration we should try to reflect on how God lowered Himself to become man, suffering the many indignities of His passion and death, surrendering Himself to both love and the hate of His creatures, as He continues to do today.
Eucharistic Adoration is a time to practice lifting up our thanksgiving to the altar and throne of the heavenly Jerusalem where our hearts, minds, souls and one day our body, shall be offering the greatest thanksgiving a creature can give their Creator: The gift of their entire self.
Don’t wait - begin your practice today. Become a ‘committed’ adorer.
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