Monday, October 14, 2024

God Is Calling - Don't Hide

Are You Trying To Hide From God Like Adam?

“They then heard the Lord God walking in the garden toward evening.  The man and his wife hid themselves from the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.  But the Lord God called out to the man and said to him, “Where were you?”.  He answered, “I heard you walking in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid myself.”  (Genesis 3:8-10)

  Like Adam, God is calling you.  If you’re too busy to hear His call, or maybe you think you simply don’t have time, it’s time to reevaluate your relationship with Him.  He waits for all of us in the Adoration Chapel, and He wants to help.  You won’t always have the opportunity … that’s life; so do it now.

Committed Adoration Hours are available in the Adoration Chapel 
simply goto  and click on "Weekly Commitment"

Monday, October 7, 2024

You Can Become More Like Jesus

More Like Jesus

“Our lives change when our habits change.  Adopting the habit of Eucharistic Adoration will change every aspect of your life.  We tend to emulate the people we spend time with.  By spending time in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we become more like Him.”
   (Matthew Kelly - 33 Days To Eucharistic Glory)

Monday Oct 7 Our Lady of the Rosary Memorial

click on “Weekly Commitment”

Monday, September 30, 2024

Ask Yourself The Question?

Ask Yourself The Question?

When St Ignatius teaches us his First Principle and Foundation in his Spiritual Exercises he says in every decision we have in life, there is only one question that we have to ask:  “Is this going to help me save my soul, or is it going to distract me from saving my soul?”  If it’s going to help me get to heaven, I embrace it.  If it’s going to keep me from getting there, I throw it away, because everything is in light of eternity.

Personal time spent in our Adoration Chapel is one of those things that truly helps you save your soul.  Don’t miss opportunities God puts before you … they may not always be available.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Low Hanging Fruit

Low Hanging Fruit

We’ve all heard this metaphor to describe tasks or projects that can easily and quickly be completed before moving on to more challenging things.  Have you ever thought of applying it to your relationship with God?

Here are a few ideas of ‘Low Hanging Fruit’ that could enhance your relationship with God:

- A 15 minute visit to the Adoration Chapel before work or after dropping the kids off at school.

- Spend 30 seconds every morning offering Jesus your entire day by reciting the Morning

- Humble yourself in doing something nice for someone - if you get a warm&fuzzy do another.
- When you hear a siren say a prayer for the comfort and health of the person(s) needing help.
- Passing a funeral home or cemetery say a prayer for the souls in purgatory.
- If wronged, forgive and bear it patiently.

If you read Matthew Kelly’s book 33 Days To Eucharistic Glory;  you know about Holy Moments and how they can shift the momentum of your life in the right direction.  Opportunities abound - take advantage.  If you haven’t read it - you should - It’s free.

Monday, September 16, 2024

God Would Love To See You In Person

 God Wants You

The Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit is waiting for each of us in the Adoration Chapel where God’s infinite peace may enter our hearts’ and confirm to us that He wants us with Him, and He wants to reveal Himself to us and give us His love, eternal life and the unending holiness of His Being.

Won’t you accept His invitation of becoming a regular Adorer?

Monday, September 9, 2024

'OPEN' Adoration Hours

We Are In Need Of People To Cover ‘Open’ Adoration Hours

All hours of our Adoration schedule are open to additional assigned adorers.  There are however some hours in specific need of new or additional adorers.  The Church asks that two people be present when the Eucharist is exposed for Adoration.  Our current committed schedule has 44% of our hours covered by only one committed adorer.  There are many opportunities to help.  If you are not currently committed to Adoration we ask you to pray to the Holy Spirit and ask the question if Adoration is right for you.  If you would like to commit to an hour you can sign-up by going directly to the AdorationPro software and registering for an hour with God.  If you have questions, please contact Tom Kartes at 616-325-9305 or via eMail at

Monday, September 2, 2024

In His Presence … Don’t Underestimate The Benefit

 In His Presence … Don’t Underestimate The Benefit

"There is nothing that I will not do for those who approach Me in the Sacrament of My Love.  Look at Me!  Here I am vulnerable, exposed, hidden, and yet entirely delivered over to you.  The Eucharist is the invention of My love, and nothing surpasses it in all My works.   The Eucharist is more than creation itself; it is the crown of My work of redemption in this world, and the foretaste of the glory that I have prepared for those who love Me in the next.  If souls understood what treasures of love are freely given to those who approach Me in the Sacrament of My Love, My churches would be filled day and night, and unable to contain the multitude drawn to them.”  p.226   (In Sinu Jesu  A Benedictine Monk - Angelico Press)

“Faith in this mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist
grows in proportion to the time one gives Me in Adoration. … Nothing can replace the intimate experience of My Eucharistic friendship - and this is the experience that I offer to you and to all who seek My Eucharistic Face, all who offer a sacrifice of time to My Eucharistic Heart.”  p.87   (In Sinu Jesu  A Benedictine Monk - Angelico Press)