If Only You Could Touch His Cloak
Whenever we receive the Eucharist we touch Jesus and Jesus touches us.
Truly, we physically touch each other. What was once bread has been changed into Jesus Himself. He didn’t just rise from the dead two thousand years ago. He is risen, and is present to us in these moments. That small white wafer is not a symbol but is His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity within us. By having Jesus closer than close we give him the opportunity to make us better people from the inside out. With a better understanding of this mystery comes the realization of how blessed and fortunate we are to be the sons and daughters of God and able too often enter into physical contact with him.
Recall the Bible story of the women who had suffered with hemorrhages for twelve years and the tremendous faith she had that if only she could touch his clothes she would be cured. (Mark 5:25-28) Her faith moved her to want to touch him just once in her lifetime. We have the opportunity to touch him almost daily.
Visit the Adoration Chapel. Ask Jesus to increase your faith so that you can have a better understanding of the privileges of being a son or daughter of God.
Next time you’re in the chapel, pray for greater awareness of Jesus in your life. He won’t disappoint because He promised to always be us. The only question left: Will you choose to be with Him?
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